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  • Welcome to Samaki Project
    Fisheries, nutrition, livelihoods, gender and rights in Tanzania
  • Fisheries, nutrition,
    livelihoods, gender and
    rights in Tanzania

About the Project

‘SAMAKI (meaning "fish" in Swahili) is a six-year research and capacity building project, which formally began in January 2021, as a collaboration led by the University of Tromsø (UiT), the Arctic University of Norway with three partners in Tanzania, the University of Dar es Salaam, State University of Zanzibar and Zanzibar Fisheries and Marine Resources Research Institute together with two in Norway, the University of Bergen and Institute of Marine Research . Within the University of Dar es Salaam, other academic units which are part of the project are the Department of Sociology; School of Law and Institute of Resource Assessment. Samaki project aims to enhance capacity related to Tanzania’s coastal ecosystem integrity, economy, food security and sustainable livelihoods for communities by educating students and generating new knowledge and uptake of research results for improved fisheries governance. The project is funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) through the NORHED programme and has a budget of NOK 20 million (about USD 2m).

Counting Up Projects



Collaborative Projects


Masters Projects


Female Students


PhD Projects


Number of Publications


Male Students

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