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PhD Students

PhD Students

Talhiya Maulid Ali

Talhiya Maulid Ali

Assessing the levels of contamination in Indian anchovies and Rainbow sardines from Zanzibar: Implication to food nutrition and safety

James Alfred Magoto

James Alfred Magoto

Biological aspects, exploitation rate of coral reef fishes and the use of unmanned aerial vehicle in surveillance along the southern coast of Tanzania

Mackrina Nombo

Mackrina Nombo

Potential Contribution of Small Fish Species in Improving Micronutrient Deficiencies for Pregnant, Lactating women and Under Five Children Along the Coast of Tanzania

Khamis O. Haji

Khamis O. Haji

The neglected wealth: An appraisal of shellfish small scale fisheries of Zanzibar

Emmanuel Nkukura

Emmanuel Nkukura

Government capacity building in fisheries co-management for resilient small-scale fisheries (on Lake Victoria) 

 Leila Salum

 Leila Salum

Interplay of Middlemen and Small-Scale Fisheries: Implication for the Sustainability of Small Pelagic Fisheries in Tanzania 

Atuganile Malambugi

Atuganile Malambugi

Genetic structure variation in the population of small pelagic fish species in Tanzania coastal waters implication for fisheries