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PhD Students

(i) Talhiya Maulid Ali : Assessing the levels of contamination in Indian anchovies and Rainbow sardines from Zanzibar: Implication to food nutrition and safety

(ii) James Alfred Magoto : Biological aspects, exploitation rate of coral reef fishes and the use of unmanned aerial vehicle in surveillance along the southern coast of Tanzania

(iii) Mackrina Nombo: Potential Contribution of Small Fish Species in Improving Micronutrient Deficiencies for Pregnant, Lactating women and Under Five Children Along the Coast of Tanzania

(iv) Khamis O. Haji: The neglected wealth: An appraisal of shellfish small scale fisheries of Zanzibar

(v) Emmanuel Nkukura: Government capacity building in fisheries co-management for resilient small-scale fisheries (on Lake Victoria)

(vi) Leila Salum: Interplay of Middlemen and Small-Scale Fisheries: Implication for the Sustainability of Small Pelagic Fisheries in Tanzania

(vii) Atuganile Malambugi: Genetic structure variation in the population of small pelagic fish species in Tanzania coastal waters implication for fisheries


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